Gourmet Cleanse - from The Juicy Body Transformation

The Gourmet Cleanse from the Juicy Body Transformation

Gourmet Cleanse - JBT
Gourmet Cleanse - JBT

It might not be what most people are thinking of two weeks before Christmas, but I decided to have a week of really getting back into some healthy eating by following the gourmet cleanse from the Juicy Body Transformation.

The gourmet cleanse is an optional part of the JBT. You can choose how long you do it for.

The Reset Cleanse is the shortest, perfect for beginners or if you just want to get yourself back on track, give yourself a health kick or an energy boost

The Gentle Cleanse if for 7 days, and this is what I am aiming for this time. Its recommended seasonally for those that love a good clean out. That's me!

There are also 14 and 21 day options if you want to get really serious.

Each option has a an ease in phase and an ease out phase, as well as the actually detox itself. This is designed to minimise the symptoms that you can sometimes get with a detox, and to minimise stress on the digestive system as you reintroduce other foods.

The guide comes with lots of amazing recipes over 60 of which are suitable for the detox phase. There are also some great meal planning templates. Anyone that has read my blog for a while will know that I love the idea of meal plans but never really manage to stick to them. I started this today and it's already gone wrong. In a good way I guess. I made the amazing Mexican Salad for lunch and it was easier to make the full recipe than work out what to do with half a can of kidney beans - so that means tomorrows lunch is prepped already. I'll save the broccoli salad until Wednesday.

JBT - Mexican Salad
JBT - Mexican Salad

If you'd like to join me on a pre Christmas cleanse please don't hesitate to get in touch. The program is available online so we could get you started straight away no matter where in the world you are. Or if you think this is something you'd like to do after Christmas to kick start your New Year in a way that you mean to go on, let's talk about that too.

Right - off to make the best dahl ever...

JBT - Best Dahl Ever
JBT - Best Dahl Ever

Then to get prepped for an indulgent detox body scrub

Contact Me for more information

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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