JBT Daily Rituals

Juicy Body Transformation Daily Rituals
JBT Rituals

By Kira Westwick 

For the BEST day EVER every day, these are the JBT rituals I live by....

Start your day with lemon water, and drink another 8-12 glasses of filtered water throughout the day. A hydrated body is a healthy, happy one. 

Add a nourishing smoothie full of super foods and healthy fats to your diet each day- it's the easiest and cheapest insurance policy for your health! I love our Complete powder for extra protein and super foods such as spirulina, broccoli and radish sprouts, pumpkinseeds, pomegranate and more! Eating foods full of life and vitality will make you FEEL full of life and vitality!

MOVE your body EVERY day. Life is movement. Energy begets MORE energy.

Start your day with GRATITUDE. When you acknowledge the abundance and blessings in your life it's pretty hard to have a bad day!!

The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is contribution. Ask yourself each day 'who can I add value to today'. It may be as simple as doing something KIND for someone you love or a stranger.

Listen to an empowering podcast- wether it be meditation, personal development or business development. A growing human is a happy one.

I challenge you to commit to these rituals for just 7 days and see the magic unfold in your life. You have nothing to lose and SO much to gain

For more information about the Juicy Body Transformation please book a time to chat with me

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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