Since I wrote
this post and started the new blog I have had seven emails from readers. Yes seven - that more than I ever had in total until now I think. I'm not naming people as I feel they would have commented on the blog if the wanted their message a public one, but I can tell the essence of what they said.
Some said they would miss the recipes (
Tiara said the same via comments), and would I still be posting 'kid food' here, or there. A question I wasn't quite sure of the answer too. I also had a dilemma re the 'cooking with kids' theme I was enjoying here. A couple of the emails went a bit deeper about how the diet is part of me, and that the enjoy the blog because I do share my life, and get healthy and losing weight is a big part of it that they can relate to. One person found my blog through the diet thing but now enjoys reading other stuff too.
One person (I do know her personally) asked me questions about why I felt the need to separate them. It was because I thought some people here were bored of seeing what I had for lunch, and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about people who googled a wheat free recipe would feel about seeing all my SMC posts. I guess it comes down to the fact that I was afraid of being judged. It sounds odd when you post about your life on line, but somehow I was hoping to retain some sort of privacy too.
As you know, I have a link here to the new blog and I know a few of you pop over (thanks for the comment
Abby), in fact, this bog is the most common entry point according to the stats. I have also made a new online friend (not blogging yet but I hope she will ;o) ) who found this blog via a Whole30 search and she is also trying to shape up her body for pregnancy. The point is, she likes this bit too and she still found out about who really am even though the blogs were separate. I am also following several other women doing the Whole30 and many of them are doing this after pregnancy and juggling the whole caring for themselves and their kids thing too. We're all the same gang really.
I do feel a bit like I've separated my selves. Yet of course I can't. It's hard to know where to post things and where to link. It is also, just as I expected, and why I delayed it for so long, harder to maintain 2 blogs than 1. Apparently, it's also bad for my page rank to divide the blog, though possible better for my SEO - but I have to admit I don't fully understand how those things work anyway. I am still not really happy with the look of the new blog, and I am having hassles with the pinning app...
So, in case you didn't guess already, I am bringing them back together. Someone sent me some ideas for indexing so I can make it easier for people to find stuff - I will try to do that. And I will try and give posts sensible titles that help you know if you want to read it or not. I am going to copy over all the posts to here too. I figure it's best to do it now when there are only a few posts rather than wait until its too hard. Forgive me if I fill your feed - it's only temporary!
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