Whole 30 - I'm still here

I thought I would do a quick catch up post, then it wont be so overwhelming tomorrow as I can just carry on with the daily posts.

Life has been a bit crazy here as my son turned two and I hosted two parties at the weekend - on saturday we had a house full of toddlers, and on Sunday a house full of family.

On Friday all was good - I cant remember what I had for brekkie, but I think from Instagram clues it was sweet potato hash and fried egg. Lunch was at my Nan's and it was chicken and salad, and dinner at home was salmon and salad.

On saturday morning I was a little bit naughty - my sister was here and I just had to show her how lovely Paleo Pancakes are. For party food I made lots of Paleo stuff, including little quiches made using bacon in place of pastry, some sweet potato chips and dips. I avoided the cake and all things bad so that was fine. dinner was more of the same, and then I drank wine! - So Saturday not so great on the whole30 front.

Sunday breakfast was sweet potato has and fried egg, lunch was more sweet potato chips and dips, with home cooked ham and salad. Dinner was more of the same.

Breakfast today was the last two of the bacon quiches with some left over carrot and celery sticks. Lunch was left over salad and ham, dinner was salad and tuna.

Tomorrow we are out to lunch with my Nan for her 98th Birthday. I'll do my best. I am going to try and get back on track with photographing everything tomorrow.

The only photo I have is of the quiches. I got the idea here, but I added onion mushroom and spinach to the egg. The bacon I used was also different to this, being quite bread at one end, meaning that the bottoms of the quiches were surrounded by bacon too - it's genius I'm telling you! I will definitely be making more of these. The are a great breakfast. I'll do a batch and keep them in the fridge so that I have a few breakfasts sorted.

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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