Trying Everything to get a BFP

Here I am again in the 2ww. I think (temperatures yet to confirm) that I am now 2dpo.

I have noticed a pattern with my thoughts this time. Often I think I am happy with just one child. We are in a groove, lots of the baby stuff is behind us and we have a great life as it is - a baby would be hard. I can almost talk myself out of this whole TTC thing... until about 4 days before I am due to ovulate, then all of a sudden I really want another  baby! Hormones are amazing, aren't they!

This month we tried a couple of extra things. Firstly a fellow SMC on Fertility Friend recommended that I tried Instead Cups. These are increasingly being used by people TTC and worked for her, so I thought I would give them a go. The idea is that they keep the sperm close to the cervix, and there are a lot of success stories out there. I have to say I didn't find it particularly comfortable, but perhaps I didn't position it quite right as most people say they are quite comfortable. They are also hard to get hold of in the UK. I finally found some in the UK amazon store but they still had to be sent from the US, so if you order these allow at least a week for them to arrive.

I was also contacted after my last BFN by a digital marketing agent for Balance Activ, who have launched Balance Activ Conceive Fertility Gel designed to make getting pregnant easier. They offered to send me a free sample if I gave them a mention. I said yes of course - how could I resist? 

Balance Activ Conceive Fertility Gel is a sperm friendly lubricant which, unlike other fertility lubricants on the market, contains Hyaluronic Acid (HA) which plays an important role during and after fertilisation. HA has been proven to positively affect sperm mobility, and although HA is naturally present in the vagina and cervical fluid, Balance Activ Conceive Fertility Gel has been shown to make an improvement with sperm mobility and the levels of HA in the vagina.

As well as increasing mobility, Balance Activ Conceive Fertility Gel also creates a sperm friendly pH level in the vagina making a suitable environment for sperm. A healthy vagina has an acidic pH level that is aggressive to alkaline sperm, but by using Balance Activ Conceive Fertility Gel as a routine conception aid allows the sperm to move more easily towards the egg  and the chances of getting pregnant during the ovulation cycle are greatly enhanced.

Balance Activ Conceive Fertility Gel is available from the Balance Activ website (I have also seen it in Boots and on Amazon), along with further information about the Balance Activ product range and information on women’s intimate health.

I actually really liked this. It is great in that it comes in tubes that make it easy to insert and it works well with the cups, making it more appropriate for people like me than the tubes of lubricant. 

So all that, along with the Clearblue Fertility Monitor, OPK tests, Temperature Charting, Pregnacare supplements, Evening Primrose Oil, Omega 3 Fish Oil, Agnus Castus,  a healthy diet and recent weight loss, you can't say I haven't tried!

We'll see if it worked in about 12 days time!

No financial compensation was received for this post, but I did get sent the Balance Active Free of  Charge, in exchange for giving it a mention on my blog.

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.


  1. Very very best of luck this cycle!! Hoping for your BFP!

  2. Hi! I used the Diva cup for my at-home insemination and it worked like a charm, yes indeed it did. :) hey, I've been enjoying your blog, myself pondering baby #2 and also similarities with an involved but not-too-involved known donor. Best of luck for a BFP!

  3. Your blog is fantastic, I just saw this on another good blog about "Balance Activ Conceive" it says its the same ingredients as Zestica lubricant, that its been around for ages, and it doesnt have any 'clinical' data to shows it does anything at all...?

  4. Thanks Tiara!

  5. Hi Jo, nice to meet you, and great to hear that the cup worked for you. Would love to hear more of your story too. Good luck with the pondering

  6. I am not sure about the clinical trials, but I don't think it will do any harm to try it. Lets hope not anyway!

  7. Hi Blissful---I forgot that my blog info wouldn't show up automatically--- here it is Hope to see more of you online! Jo

  8. Hi I started using the fertility gel in june it worked but I lost it very early but now we trying again wish me luck guys x :)
