Whole 30 Day 19

I'm getting slack!

In two ways.

One, I only have a photo of breakfast.

Two, I drank wine!

One of my oldest and bestest friends came to lunch today. Had I had a babysitter I would have been out with her for her hen night tonight, but as that is not possible we had to have out own little party today. I made  a lunch of salmon fillet (cooked in coconut oil with garlic pepper and lemon juice) and served with salad. I was a bit worried that she might find my light lunch a little too light, but it turns out that she too has given up the carbs, and her fiancé has recently lost 3 stone by following The Fast Diet which I have mentioned before - so after about 33 years we are still on the same page. It was fabulous to see her. Old friends are just great aren't they!

Tea was a bit late. We got all off schedule having had T here. BB went down late for his nap, and so woke up late for tea. I ate some of the left over salad with some of yesterday's left over chicken, but forgot to photograph it. Even after two of us had lunch and I had dinner, I still have left over salad! Over catering is definitely a problem  I have. I think I have got better with my own meals - I think my portions are slightly smaller since I started this, but I needed to make sure there was plenty of food for my guest. There was enough for 6! I guess that's the next thing to work on. At least in this case the left overs are salad and not chocolate cake!

So, once again not a bad day food wise, but not great either seeing as I drank alcohol.

Mission now is to get through the next 11 days with no compromises... absolutely no social events scheduled so I should be able to manage!

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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