I can't resist the whole 30 for a moment longer

As I mentioned, I have been reading It Starts with Food which is the book to accompany The Whole 30. The books repeatedly says, START NOW, and I just can't resist that. Having read everything I just want to get started. Despite the fact that I feel heaps better and am more active and lost 7cm form my waist in 3 weeks,  I have also gained weight since giving up wheat, which suggests I need to so something. My chocolate binge this afternoon sealed the deal, I think these binges are possibly a need to get the sugar high I am missing from wheat - It's just a theory, but it would be nice to reset the balance.

There are a few things to consider. Firstly and most importantly I am trying to get pregnant. The book does say that it is fine to do when pregnant and breastfeeding so I have no worries here. Eating healthily from the Whole30 food list has to be better that binging on chocolate and junk, and I do believe that doing it will dramatically increase my chance of getting pregnant.

The other issue is a social one. I am supposed to be going out for dinner in 3 weeks time, but I may not have a baby sitter anyway, so that could be irrelevant. We are also staying with friends for a weekend in a couple of weeks time, but hopefully they will be understanding of the fact that I need to get my own food. Delaying it to avoid these events is possible, but then there are other things, and as summer approaches it gets even harder to fit it in, so now is as good a time as any.

For those who don't know of the Whole 30 principals, in summary you eat as many vegetables as you like, some fruit, meat, fish, eggs, and healthy oils, and avoid dairy, grains legumes sugar and alcohol. Another rule is not to weigh or measure anything (including yourself!) for the whole program. I have recorded starting measurements because I just want to know, but the scales have gone away into the spare room to help me avoid temptation.

Tomorrow will be day 1 of 30. I am quite excited as I anticipate the same vital and healthy feeling I had in stage 1 of the elimination diet. Fingers crossed.

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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