A Prelude to The Elimination Diet

Things didn't quite go to plan. I had to cancel my night out as BB is sick with a cough and cold (and is even off his food!) and with the headache I have right now, I am guessing I have it coming. As a result of that, lunch with my 97 year old Nana tomorrow has also been cancelled - we just can't risk her getting our germs.

So, I am thinking that as I have all the 'allowed' food items on board I may as well get into this elimination diet tomorrow, rather than waiting until Saturday. The headache I will get from caffeine withdrawal can hide behind the one from the cold!

I will explain more about the diet as I go along, but as a brief introduction, I found out about this when I responded to an ad on Bloggers Required. They were looking for people to review a new book Six Secrets of Successful Weightloss by Dr John Mansfield.  It sounded interesting to me because it was about personalising the diet to the individual. It talked of finding out about your own sensitivities. The brief info that I read made me think that was about about health and well being and not just weight loss. I was intrigued.

A couple of weeks ago I received a phone call about the assignment. Essentially what they want me to do is follow the elimination diet and blog about it. To be clear about my position here I am not being paid for this. The incentive they offered is they will promote my blog and that if necessary I could get a free consultation with Dr John himself. To be honest, although nice, neither of those were enough to persuade me. The main reason I am doing it is because if I have to blog about it I have to stick to it, so it will help me in that sense. Anyway, just to be absolutely clear, there is no incentive for me to say that this is good or bad - I will just be telling you truth about my experiences.

For those of you new to my blog, here's a bit about me. I am 41, mother of 1 and hoping to make that 2 in the very near future. I have always been a little overweight. To be precise I am 168cm and the upper limit of the recommended weight for my height is about 70.5kg. I generally sit around 72kg, but feel my best at about 69kg (though having said that I have little experience of weighing less than that, so who knows how good I could feel!).

Since having my son I have held on to pregnancy weight. I settled at about 81kg. Then in August I got pregnant again. Sadly I miscarried in October, I did however collect another 4 or so kilos in that pregnancy too. Tonight when I weighed I was 84.8kg.

I have been trying to pluck up the courage to take a photo, but I haven't done, and now there is no-one here to do it. There is this one though, which is horrible enough to give me some incentive. It was taken when my son was about six weeks old and I am sad to admit I am probably about the same weight now as I was then.

Lets do measurement too - just to keep it scientific

Chest 113cm
Waist 104 cm
Hips 112 cm
Bum 116 cm
Thigh 62 cm

What am I expecting?

I studied nutrition semi formally for a while, motivated by the fact that I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome about 10 years ago. I seriously cut down on carbohydrates, pretty much eliminating refined carbs altogether, and being careful with other high GI carbs too. I apparently cured myself.

I also followed much of the advice in the Fertility Diet when I was preparing for my first pregnancy, this too suggests limiting sugars.  I do feel better without it in the long term, so I am expecting to find that sugar is an issue for me. Since having my son however I have seriously lapsed on this. Sometimes you just need energy.  I am aware that it is a vicious cycle and think that doing this diet will address that and break the cycle for me, getting me back on track.

On previous weight loss efforts I have also noticed that I have more success if I eat cereal for breakfast instead of toast, so perhaps there is something in bread that I am sensitive to. I have also found that I feel better if I don't eat cheese (the trouble is I love it!).

I am also expecting a massive headache from caffeine withdrawal.

The rest, well, we'll have to wait and see.

I plan to blog about this a few times a week, but only when I have stuff to say. I will tag all my posts and you can access them from the tab at the top.

Click here for other posts related to The Six Secrets of Successful Weight Loss Elimination Diet

If you are interested in buying the book it is available at AmazonWaterstones and The Book People. It maybe be worth checking them all as prices do change. Amazon also have a Kindle Version

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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