A Blissful Diet?

So I've done a bit more reading on this diet thing.

I didn't find a great deal that I didn't already know, but sometimes reminders are good

I decided to

  • use a smaller bowl
  • photograph everything that I eat
  • record everything on my weight watchers ap and stick to the points
  • try and have a short eating window and a long fasting window (the recommendations I found say eat for 8 hours and fast for 16 - almost possible with our schedule of breakfast around 7am and tea around 4pm)

This is how I did yesterday


Papaya and lime with coffee (0 points)
Watercress, rocket, carrot, tomato, mozarella, and avocado salad, with balsamic dressing (8 points)

Banana and natural yoghurt (2 points)
Afternoon snack, when BB got home from nursery

Ryvita thins and low fat onion and chive cottage cheese (4 points)
Stirfry vegetables and tofu (9 points)

and a small pot of fromage frais (2 points)

So - that was a total of 25 points, and it was great, and I had stuck to my eating window. Successful day.


As you know, I work at night, after BB is in bed. As a result of being out of action last week I am working twice as much this week - by 11.30pm I still had heaps to do and was ravenous. I quickly made a cheese toastie (11 points) and didn't photograph (in the hope that would mean it wasn't real!)

So - I broke all my rules on the first day, and proved to myself what I already know - that my problem is at night when I fridge raid.

Any strategies to deal with this?

I need help!!!!

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.


  1. The trouble is that when you're tired you're also hungry. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/HEALTH/03/23/sleep.deprivation.health/index.html
    Is it possible to do more work during the day and go to bed earlier? I have a feeling it isn't, so maybe you can deliberately buy healthy (low points) things that will deal with the late night hunger without accumulating too much fat?

    1. Funny you should mention this - I am just trying to reorganise my life so that I go to bed earlier. Partly because I am exhausted (doing 3 weeks work in one week hasn't helped) and can't maintain this schedule, and partly because i realise BB will be getting up an hour earlier (though I am trying to trick him and keep him up later tonight!)

      And I am going to try and put him in nursery for a second morning a week from the end of nov.

      And I do have a brief window in the mornings when he is happy to entertain himself for half an hour or so, when I can check emails etc and prioritise tasks, and his nap times... so I am hoping to get evening work down to an hour, maximum 2, week days only...

      We'll see if I can stick to that - and then eat sensibly too... Its a challenge!

  2. This plan does however involve doing all housework while he is awake... which i think is great in theory - but hard in practice... he is not much 'help' yet.. in fact, he is far more proficient at making mess than I am at cleaning up... but he is learning to put things away at least!
