
So, you may remember me saying in a recent post that I was planning on doing a couple of one day fasts in the next couple of weeks. Well, today is the day for the first one.

So far I have made my porridge, then remembered I am supposed to be fasting, then thought about starting after breakfast, then thought about doing it tomorrow instead... But, I pulled myself in check, reminded myself of my goal and fed the porridge to the chooks! Then I found myself getting stuff out of the freezer for tea! I put it back and planned some meals for BB to have on his own.

Although I used to fast frequently, this is the first time since getting pregnant with BB. There is an underlying feeling of panic - what will happen if I don't have food? I guess it comes from the fact that I have been nurturing a baby for so long, but really, is quite ridiculous. I have plenty of fat reserves!

I am going to do it though. As I haven't eaten since dinner last night I am already half way though. I am looking forward to the day being over, so that I can look back and see that it is possible. I am still having fluids of course, I already had my vital greens, and I have stocks of clear apple juice and cranberry juice if I need some energy, and I am planning on drinking lots of water. Once BB is in bed I will do the cleanse, and then after that, I plan to have a light snack and taking a relaxing bath before going to bed.

Meanwhile - I am sooo hungry right now! Must find some means of distraction - wake up BB!!!

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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