Whole 30 day 2

Breakfast: Leftover mince from yesterday and courgette pasta

Lunch sweet potato hash with fried eggs, inspired by
Molly and The Princess and originally from NomNom Paleo

Dinner Haddock cooked in avocado oil with roast vegetables

Another good day food wise. I broke on rule though, but with purpose. I measured my waist. It is 5 cm smaller than day 0. I anticipated this, and I could feel it when I woke up today. I know this is because I didn't eat wheat on Sunday or Monday  - that's just one of the effects of wheat. I measured it because I just want to make sure I know that this is really true, as I have noted it before but I still try a little nibble of wheat. 

The trouble with a little nibble of wheat is that it always leads to a little more. I have a close friend who is an alcoholic and I see exactly the same story pan out with me eating wheat as him drinking. I have to stay off it.

So, with my wheat bloat gone I am feeling pretty lean in comparison to how I felt 2 days ago. I went for a fast walk with the buggy today and my body felt good striding out. Better than I have felt in the last couple of weeks. My head on the other hand is not so good. I have a stinking cold, and I think perhaps a little hayfever on top, plus there is probably some detox effect going on in there too. My nose is a constant stream and my head is aching. I am taking paracetamol which I hope is OK.

I walked just over 4km today and my water intake will be 1.75L (just a few mls to go). I have also had coffee and green tea. Having been up to the loo frequently last night I thought I would scale back a bit on the water today. I know my body will get used to it and deal with it better within a few days, but tonight I need to get some better quality sleep.

Also doing Whole 30 July

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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