A Trip to Wave Rock and the Hippo's Yawn

The Blissful boy and I took a trip to Wave Rock last weekend. We were heading to a place nearby to collect our puppy and so it seemed crazy not to go. It's somewhere I had been before, several times, but for Arthur it was his first visit.

We stayed in a small cabin at Wave Rock Caravan Park, right on site, which meant we got to see the rock at sunset and then again first thing in the morning, before the crowds arrived. The cabin was basic, but perfect for our needs. Arthur loved it. 

Hello Awin
Wave Rock
Surfing Wave Rock

As soon as we arrived we parked our car at our cabin and then headed off on the short walk to the rock. It was beautiful in the sun set and we managed to get a a few great shots of Arthur surfing the wave. We went up to the top and admired the view around, amazed at the amount of water we could see. We met an English couple at the top who were holidaying in our beautiful state and enjoyed a stroll along the top with them.

Wave Rock
Wave Rock Cabin

Wave Rock
Surfing Wave Rock

Wave Rock
On top of Wave Rock

Wave Rock
Wave Rock

Wave Rock
Surfing Wave Rock

The next morning we were up early and walked along the base of Wave Rock, with a few little detours to the top, to the Hippo's Yawn. This was a beautiful walk, and there were great interpretive signs describing how the vegetation at the base has a high water requirement, provided by the run off of from the rock, than other surrounding vegetation. 

Wave Rock
Walking the base of Wave Rock

Wave Rock
Wave Rock - on the way to Hippo's Yawn

Wave Rock
Rock Pool on top of Wave Rock

Wave Rock
Walking on Wave Rock

Hippo's Yawn
Hippo's Yawn

Wave Rock Facts

The wave is about 15 metres high
The rock type is granite
It is about 2.6 billion years old
Wave rock is used as a water catchment area servicing the nearby town of Hyden 
Wave rock is a place of cultural significance to the Ballardong people who believe it was created by the Rainbow Serpent 
Around 150,000 people visit wave rock each year
Wave Rock Caravan Park offers pet friendly accommodation - dogs must be kept on a leash

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.

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