It offers many things on many levels. First, there is the animal that has escaped. Each double page spread has a different animal to find.
and then other animals to look for too.
It includes number, 1 giraffe, 2 elephants, 3 gazelles and so on. It contains some simple rhymes, and nice descriptive language -"4 gibbons, long and slim, swinging by the jungle gym".
It has also introduced some new vocabulary, such as the "soaring dog" who has jumped on the trampoline.
There are so many things to look for that the book can keep you entertained for ages, and you can look at it again and again and notice new things in the images each time.
This is an excellent book to look at together. Its too stimulating for a night time book, but a great one to share during the day - we have read it at breakfast several times now.
Spot A Lot is so new that it's not even available for sale yet - but it is coming very soon to both The Book Depository and Amazon and will make an excellent stocking filler.
Disclaimer: This book was received free of charge for the purpose of this review as part of the Parragon Book Buddies Program. All opinions are our own.
So cool! I definitely plan to have tool-toys for Aggie. :-)