Choosing a new winter coat

My online selling has been going well. I'm on a mission to not buy anything new until I have sold enough of my old stuff to pay for it. I've sold a few high value items like my old juicer (retired as I now know I want to eat the pulp too), and a Shakuhachi flute, bought with good intentions a few years ago but never played. So far I have raised enough to buy a new super duper blender that will make me whole fruit and veggie juices and soups. I just ordered it this morning and can't wait.

I have now started selling clothes. My maternity clothes to be precise. Several of them have bids on already, including my long wool coat, so I am now looking for a new winter coat.

I want one that suits lots of situations. Something warm, that looks reasonably smart, but which is also practical. Let's face it, it will spend a lot of time in the park, pushing one small child on a swing. A hood is always handy, the winds around here can come straight from the North Sea and are bitter. Zips are important for the same reason. I can also get quite hot walking with the buggy, so maybe something with some optional vents, or that unzips part way easily and comfortably would suit me. Machine washable is obviously an essential too - I will be picking up a child with muddy shoes and a snotty times more times than you can count.

I have just found these great Parkas. I so wanted a Parka as a kid, everyone else had one, but I never did. Now's my chance. I am liking the navy coat with fur trim. What do you think? I think it might be ticking all my boxes.

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.


  1. You are being so budget minded and responsible. I struggle with it myself. I like the coat also. :-)

  2. Ohh I like that coat! I need a new winter one now it's getting colder...
