Then, as the weather was so glorious we headed outside to play and do some jobs. Once we had played in the sand, cleaned out and fed the chickens, collected the eggs, fed the wild birds, swept the path, bounced on the trampoline, pulled up some weeds, rescued some worms and got ourselves dirty and wet, we headed back inside. It feels such a privilege to be able to get outside at this time of year. Though I miss the the sun in the outback a great deal, I do appreciate it even more here where it is scarce. Every day the sun shines is up lifting. It was a brilliant start to the year.
Since reflecting on 2012 yesterday, I have thought about my goals for 2013.
Make Time for Me!
I am going to start with this one as note to self that I should prioritise me more! Since starting my own business, pretty much all of the time that BB is asleep is taken up doing chores or working. I do need time for me. Last year I had that forgotten goal to go swimming on the weekends that DD is here. I am going to do it this year. Swimming and running are my meditation and I haven't really done either since I was pregnant with BB.I am going to start running again too. Maybe I could do a run one weekend morning when DD is visiting, but I am also thinking that I could go on the morning that BB is at nursery. I could even walk to nursery, leave his buggy and run home, then run back to collect him later. It will be hard at first. It is over 2 years since I last ran, but it is good for both my body and my mind so I will try and fit it in.
I am going to try and do all household chores when BB is awake, freeing up a bit of time when he is asleep. He is now at an age where he loves to help, and although it's not always that helpful (if you could see the floor after he has 'washed up' you would know what I mean!) but he needs practice. It keeps him happy and entertained and he is learning skills for life and exploring new things. We have been doing more and more together, but I am going to try and do the hard stuff too. Sweeping and mopping is quite tricky when he is there, but it wont get any better if he doesn't experience it. He loves sweeping too and has his own little dustpan and brush now which he used to help me this morning. Vacuuming is another one. I always do it when he is asleep or at nursery as he doesn't like the vacuum cleaner. I am going to start using it when he is around. He'll get used to it. I usually do the washing when he is in bed too, but actually he likes to put things in and out of the machine and turn it on.
I am also going to ask DD to help more when he visits. On the whole he is pretty good and has done heaps in my garden, he sometimes cooks, and always helps out if I ask. I don't ask enough though. I find myself getting annoyed when he comes here and lays on the sofa playing games on his phone while I sweep, mop do the washing, cook his dinner (perhaps an insight into what it's like to have a husband!). It is extra work and extra stress having a house guest whoever it is, and I know he wants to help me out anyway he can... I just have say it.
I will have a regular treatment to keep my back in order so I don't have the trapped nerve problem again.
I am going to make the most of my film subscription and watch one [hopefully] good film a week.
I am going to lose myself in a novel - if only for 10 minutes a night.
I haven't yet had a night out since BB was born either. It almost happened, but them BB was sick. I am going to have at least one night out in 2013.
Friends are important to me, they keep me sane, but I don't have nearly enough contact with them. I am going to talk to my friends more. Many of them live far away, but for those I can visit I will, and for those I can't I will call.
Reading Time
BB loves books. I have recently had to set a limit of 4 books at bed time. We often get caught on the landing where the book shelf is, at all times of day, reading book after book. He also gets books from the library. He is often happy just to sit and look at a book himself.When I was pregnant with BB, a friend tried to convince me I needed a Kindle. I was almost persuaded but decided against it because I wanted to model reading actual books. Although I read to him several times a day, BB hardly ever sees me read for me. He sees me playing with my phone, using a computer, sometimes I look at the newspaper, but rarely reading a book. I have this little dream that we could read together, but each look at our own book. We have done this probably 3 times already in the last month or so. He is happy to copy and read his own book while I read mine, if only for a few minutes. One of the first things we did after breakfast this morning was read. Me reading a book about Montessori at home, and him looking at a picture book. It was a nice time together, for part of it we were snuggled together and for part of it we were at opposite ends of the sofa, with our feet touching. I'd like us to make this a daily activity. I' will nurture this idea and see where it takes us. I think it could be good for us both.
Create a Good Play and Learning Environment for BB
I have posted many times about wanting to provide good play and learning activities for BB. I have read several books and blog posts on this. I have really gotten to like the ideas of Maria Montessori. I think, if I am honest, for the same reasons that I like Sears Baby books, which is because many of the ideas are very similar to, or fit in well with, what I am doing instinctively anyway. Although it is impossible to work in Education for nearly 20 years and not learn about Montessori, my journey here, in particular looking at young children in their home, has only just begun. I am planning on learning more about Montessori's ideas, and those of others during the year, and hopefully will implement them to BB's benefit.I also plan on having at least one quality together-time activity for BB and I do to each day. This may be art, or cooking, or gardening, perhaps an outing or nature walk, and most likely lots of other things too that I didn't think of yet. I am getting lots of inspiration for these sort of things from blogs and Pinterest. Thanks everyone!
Bring a Second Healthy Baby into the World
Looking back at last year's post I am changing my wording here. Last year I just wanted to conceive a baby, which of course I did. This year I am going to put it out there that I actually want the baby to live and be healthy. It would be fantastic to give BB a sibling in October, November or December this year.I think that's all!
Happy New Year Everyone, I hope it got off to a good start for you too.
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