Getting Rid

January was a month of spending as little as possible... mmm

I didn't enjoy that much, I did try hard but I still managed to spend £857.67 which has shocked me... I think we can say that it easily costs me £1000 a month to live at an absolute minimum - some rethinking needed.

Anyway - moving on - February is going to be about getting rid. I plan to sell stuff on ebay and amazon, put things on freecycle, maybe take some stuff to charity shops if there is any left.

I tried to get started today but ebay kept kicking me off and sending me on an endless 'signing in' loop - not sure why. I gave up in the end and I'll revisit another day. I did manage to exchange my old Australian mobile for 300 Boots Advantage points though.

So, as with the spending challenge, I will update this post with my progress below.

Stuff sold for cash
  • Old lap top computer
  • Old mobile phone
  • Sim card cutter
  • Fertility herbs 
  • Fertility monitor test sticks
  • Mac OSX Leopard 
  • Pedometer
Stuff given away
  • Rotary clothes line given away via Freecycle
  • I tried to give away the garage door - in full working condition - several people made enquiries but it was too big, or too small so the builder ended up taking it away

Stuff sold to raise money for the charity Bliss (basically maternity things I have been given by a generous friend which don't fit - she did agree the sale for charity)

  • Gap Jeans £0.99
  • Maternity shorts £2.21
  • Maternity trousers £1.04
  • Maternity top £0.99
Another pair of trousers didn't sell even after being listed 3 times :o(

The measly total for Bliss was £5.23. I was a bit disappointed with this and so to continue the spirit of giving that my friend started by giving the clothes to me, I rounded the donation up to £10.

Stuff exchanged
  • Mobile phone  -  300 Boots Advantage Points Cheeky so and so's have sent me an email saying thanks for this, but they wont give me the points - they reckon its not the model I said, but it is - I think it's just the Telstra logo on the front that's throwing them. They wont even send it back so that I can give it to charity! Ah well Mr Boots - I no longer feel so inclined to be one of your loyal customers...

Stuff recycled
  • I sorted through my entire filing cabinet and shredded tonnes of old receipts, expired warranties, bank statements. I didn't think to count the number of times I had to empty the shredder, but I can tell you that the compost bin is more than half full with shredded paper. A very satisfying experience!

Stuff I got rid of from the 'to do' list
  • Sorted through  got rid of stuff from filing cabinet at home
  • Sorted through, filed and got rid of stuff at work
  • Paid my final voluntary NI contributions from when I was living overseas
  • Finished one of my pay it forward gifts
  • Reconditioned old computer ready for sale
  • Decided on my new kitchen units, bench top, floor etc

Stuff I wasn't expecting to get rid of (but I'm glad it's gone)

I wasn't expecting to get rid of was the kitchen floor. In fact - the one thing in the kitchen that was absolutely definitely staying was the floor - but it was ruined by the flood and has been taken up  already so that the concrete underneath can dry out properly before I lay the replacement.

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.


  1. I've been doing the same. Just cleaned out the cupboards this week to get rid of surplus coffee mugs, party items I don't use, votive candle holders, etc. Basically, anything that's been in a drawer or cupboard for years without being used. My dish cabinet looks so much better now. :)

  2. Gosh you've been busy! I've had loads of reading to catch up on lol!

    I also ended a relationship with a "friend" last year and yes, you're right, sometimes it's really important to clean out those areas too. If it drains you and pulls on the negative energy then it's not worth it. The way I saw it was that to let her go meant that it opened a huge wide hole just when you and I found each other maybe there is something to be said for fate! xx

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