A week in Blissland

It's been a busy week in Blissland. Work began on the garage on Monday. A trench has been dug at the front, footings laid and a the foundations built, ready to put a small wall in, below the new window which is replacing the garage door. Another trench for the sewer pipe from the laundry and toilet has gone in too. The outer side of the cavity wall has been knocked out ready for the door to go in to the kitchen too. The plans changed slightly from the ones I posted, mainly because the one that the architect drew was useless. I am very unimpressed with service I got from them - I won't name and shame online, but if you are planning anything and want to know who not to use do get in touch!

My garage is now looking like this!

Also this week a second chook has started laying - I am now getting some lovely smaller browner eggs in addition to my normal ones. I think it must be Speckled hen that's laying them. She is actually more productive than Vera, providing me with an egg every other day already, whereas Vera is still functioning at one egg every 2 -3 days. My egg collection has been building up and so I have been starting to think of egg recipes. I made a lovely baked egg custard the other day - I'll post a recipe later.

Lots of my thinking time, particularly in the earlier part of the week, was spent pondering how our donor daddy might be feeling at this time. Although I still haven't written the post about choosing a donor, most people reading this will know that I chose a known donor, and that he is going to be part of our lives, and known as Dad. My curiosity led me to some great posts by Jack Murningham, an author and committed donor dad of 2. I'd like to share them for the benefits of those thinkers out there. They are (my summary of the titles) The beginning, Donor Dad on Father's day, and Doing it again. The situation sounds idyllic - I hope it works out that way for us too. I also found some great links to blogs by other Intentional Single Mums which I am working my way though - I'll add links to them at the side, once I get to know which ones are active and a good read.

As for how baby Bliss is doing, this leads me nicely to the most exciting part of the week. On Thursday I got to hear the heartbeat for the first time.

Yes - I am a total saddo and recorded it. It gets worse though - the scientist within me is doing her detective work once again and trying to work out if this is a girl or a boy we have on board. Apparently a heart beat of <140 means it's a boy, and >140 means it's a girl. So what do you make of this? There is definitely 22 beats on the recording. The timer says 9 seconds, but iTunes says 10. If its 9, that's 147bpm, if its 10, you get 132bpm. Donor daddy's analysis is that it is 12 beats in 5 seconds, or 144bpm. My stopwatch says 22 beats in 9.8 seconds which is 134bpm...

OK - we can stop there and conclude that our analysis is inconclusive - what's inside my belly can remain a mystery for a little longer.

I also think I am starting to feel bubba move. I can't be entirely sure, but I think that's what it is. Apparently you can start to feel movement between 14 and 20 weeks, I am approaching 17 so that would be about right. I am looking forward to knowing for sure that it is the little wriggler though. My bump is growing too and I am quite falling in love with it. I have to stand at the right angle though - otherwise I just look fat!

Anyway, I should sign off and get on with my Saturday, the main task being to sort out all the stuff I am going to sell on ebay for my month of making money on (or giving away)  things I no longer want, which is following my month of trying to limit spending (totally sick of that now!!!).

Hello, and thanks for stopping by. My name is Emma and I am a lifestyle entrepreneur, writer, teacher, coach and mentor. I am passionate about eating real food, learning, travel and health. I get to spend my days with my amazing son who has chosen to learn from the world rather than at school. We write to share the life we love and to help others create a life they love too.


  1. That is so definitely a boy. I haven't been wrong yet! PMSL!

  2. What a lovely sharing of your increase in girth. Or is that according to the national anthem of oz - girt. Love ya C
